Services: Investment Management

Investments Management

Growing your capital prudently

Investing is more about science than art. We adhere to decades of research developed by Nobel Prize winners in Economics. We believe that making decisions based on evidence rather than predictions will give us the best chance of success.

Our investment portfolios were designed to prudently enhance returns, reduce risk and produce a reliable source of income for life.

A rational and pragmatic approach

Our 5 principles to invest your capital

Minimizing costs when investing

Diversifying widely

Not trying try to predict the market

Choosing the right assets

Not confusing risk with volatility

Investments Management

More of a science than an art.

Minimizing costs when investing

According to many studies, those investments that have the lowest costs are those that generate the best results. When investing, complexity and high costs are usually characteristics that should be avoided. Therefore, we build our portfolios using low-cost passive funds, increasing the return for our clients and decreasing the risk of their investments.

Diversifying widely

To invest safely you have to diversify. Therefore, our portfolios are made up of thousands of different companies from more than 40 countries. Investing in this way keeps the probability of losing capital as low as possible.

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Companies around the world

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Not trying to predict the market

Investing according to short-term market movements is a recipe for failure. We take a long-term approach and do not try to predict what the market will do in the coming months. We believe that market prices are a fair representation of the value of companies.

Choosing the right assets

Not all investments are good. We only invest in those assets that:

We understand

Have a long history

They are backed by academic studies

We can acquire at low cost and in a systematic and transparent way

Do not confuse risk with volatility

Financial assets can present highly variable returns, especially stocks. For us this is not a risk.

We define risk in the following way:

  1. Permanent capital loss
  2. Loss or extinction of your purchasing power during your retirement

For investors with long horizons, a diversified portfolio of stocks is the best way to hedge against these risks.


Investing in your peace of mind.

Taking control of your finances is taking control of your future.